English 4, Post 7, Changes to my study programme

Hi, today I'm going to write about the changes I would like to make to my study program.

As you know, I'm a biochemistry student and at this moment I'm finishing my second year, I remember that when I started the university I did't know that the first two years were common plan, so when I found out it was a little disappointing, I didn't feel part of my career, it was like being in high school or in a pre-university, besides, sometimes there were like 300 students in a class and I didn't like that (even though everything was online, I don't want to imagine how it would have been in person), honestly I would prefer to be with the same subjects but only with people from biochemistry, because we are not so many and I would have felt more part of the career, so that would be something I would change.

About the methodology, I don't have much to say, only that it is a bit traditional, there are professors that I like how they teach, they are practical and I feel that I really understand them and their academic loads are not so high, however there are professors that can spend hours and hours reading slides, so it is more difficult for me to understand and usually that happens in difficult subjects, so the academic load becomes much higher because I have to study twice to understand something, and those things ends stressing me out.   

About the infrastructure and technology, I think the faculty has a little bit of everything, there are old buildings and equipment but also new ones, so in general I feel satisfied with the university and my study program.

I hope you enjoyed this post, bye~


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