Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy this last post that is made with a lot of love. Today I will write about one of may favorite subjects in high school, biology. However, it wasn't always like that, I remember when I was in first grade it was hard for me to understand the subject and I didn't get along very well with the biological systems, however my teacher always had faith in me and helped me a lot. Then, came the year when we saw some things about genetics and Mendel's laws and I learned so much, it was like discovering a new world and in that moment I said "OMG I want to dedicate myself to that" and the magic began, I started to be more and more interested in the area, but biology is so diverse that I didn't know what area to choose, in the middle of fourth grade I liked careers like Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, forest engineering, etc, but finally I stayed with biochemistry hahaha and here I am, surviving. I remember with great affection my...